Based on type and paradigm of the programming language, please check the current state of the project, and follow the instructions to build it.
This is a collection of different utilities that has been useful for OffSec
In this section you can find links with the respositories of some projects that I made before, just the ones that can be public available, including files in gist, pastebin, notes with sections of code that can be shared for multiple purposes, if you want something ready to ship you can use the repositories for your services, doubts and suggestions can be solved in the issues section of each project on github, please contact me if you need help.
Malware Research
Explotation Resources
- - Simple minimal tool to encrypt payloads, generating keys and hidding kernel callbacks on Windows.
- aesplant.cpp - DLL injection template in C++ with AES encription for Red Team Operations, use alongside with
- xorplant.cpp - DLL injection template in C++ with XOR encription for Red Team Operations, use alongside with
- DNS Utils - Useful scripts for basic network operations on DNS. (Honeypot/NIDS)
- BIND Utils - General tasks on DNS with BIND using BASH.
- ASM Utils - Advanced tasks on AArch64 using ASM.
Defensive Resources
Secure Development Operations
- Dockpod - Dockerized development stack - BASH / PYTHON / DJANGO / POSTGRES / NGINX / REDIS.
- IO - Initial Orchestation for docker compose, command line tool to create your own cluster service - BASH / DOCKER.
- DAO Cluster Service - Cluster node service with a DAO scaffold, ready to extend - RUST / TYPESCRIPT / SOLIDITY.
Signal Intelligence (SIGINT)
More work can be found on GH profile, this content is for education purposes only.
You got something to share? Please feel free to contact me